About Kysa

Kysa Douglas, Registered Nurse, Legal Nurse Consultant

Hi, I’m Kysa

I have been a registered nurse for 13 years in Southwest Wisconsin. My first year of nursing practice was on medical/surgical units. This was invaluable in my development as a nurse. Since then, I have practiced as a perinatal nurse, with the majority being in the hospital setting followed by the clinic and outpatient care. Empowering pregnant women and new moms remains a passion for me!

I always knew I wanted to be a nurse. I believe this came from growing up with a disabled brother who required many life-threatening surgeries and hospitalizations during my childhood. Being a caregiver was a way of life and came very naturally to me.

Douglas Legal Nurse Consulting was formed in January 2019 with the goal to collaborate with attorney clients. My interest in the legal system drew me to this nursing specialty. I enjoy investigating through chart review and getting to the bottom of the case to explain where the problem occurred.


Meet the Family

I was born and raised in rural Wisconsin. I attended Southwest Wisconsin Technical College and completed my Associate's Degree in Nursing. After working for a year, I knew it was important to obtain further education. I began taking online courses through University of Phoenix where I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I currently live in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin with my significant other and three kids.

Family of Kysa Douglas from Wisconsin